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VOL. VI  NOS. 7 & 8 MARCH-APRIL 2001 RS 50 UK £ 2.50 US $5

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Dileep Padgaonkar
Assistant Editor:
Manisha Sethi
Publisher & Art Director: Brinda Datta
Rukmini Bhaya Nair
Tabish Khair
Amita Baviskar
Seema Alavi
Alice Albinia
Boria Majumdar
Raka Ray
Postal Address:

Tel: 91-11-26131506

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 Smita Patil in a still from the film Debshishu (1985) by Utpalendu Chakraborty
Shoma Chaudhury thinks religion and cinema propel Manil Suri's The Death of Vishnu
Nilanjana S. Roy finds there is a lot to remember in Susan Visvanathan's debut novel
Sharifa C. Rhodes rates Civil Lines 4 featherweight
Amitav Ghosh raises a debate - should the category Commonwealth Literature exist?
A meeting with Ram Advani, one of India's oldest and most respected booksellers

Julian Gibbs revels in Peter Ackroyd's London: The Biography
Orlanda Ruthven reflects on Dharavi - Asia's largest slum
Ashis Nandy's analysis of the journey between the village and the city
Beato's Delhi - 1857, 1997
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