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VOL. II  NOS. 11 NOVEMBER 1997 RS 20 UK £ 1.50 USD 3

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Founder Editors
Dileep Padgaonkar

Arvind N. Das (6.9.1948 - 6.8.2000)
Editor Emeritus:
Sham Lal
Assistant Editor:
Manisha Sethi
Publisher & Art Director: Brinda Datta

Dust storm created by VIP helicopter, Rajasthan by RAGHU RAI

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   VOL. II  NO. 11 32 PAGES NOVEMBER 1997
- There are no Icons for Clio. An Essay Arvind N. Das
- Hind Swaraj and Other Writings by M. K. Gandhi edited by Anthony
J. Patel
Makarand Paranjape
- Worshipping False Gods by Arun Shourie Kancha Ilaiah
- Two Imaginary Soliloquies: A Fantasy D. R. Nagaraj
- V. K. Krishna Menon and the India League, 1925-47; two volumes by Suhas Chakravarty
Partha Sarathi Gupta
- The Essential Writings of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose edited
by Sisir K. Bose and Sugata Bose; Gandhi's Campaign against Untouchability, 1933-1934: An Account from the Raj's Secret Official Reports edited by Baren Roy;Selected Works of Govind Ballabh Pant, Volume 8 edited by B. R. Nanda
Harish Khare
- Leaders of Straw by A. D. Moddie Pratik Kanjilal
- Six Characters and as Many Extras in Search of an Author.
A Political Satire
Sham Lal
- Ethnicity, Security and Separatism in India by Maya Chadda Ralph Buultjens
- Communalism Contested: Religion, Modernity and Secularization by Achin Vaniak Primila Lewis
- Dreams Merchants, Politicians and Partition: Memoirs of an Indian Muslim by Iqbal Masud Saleem Kidwai
- London Magazine - India 1997:With Affection Ira Pande
- Crossing Boundaries: Culture and Identity-IIC Quarterly, Monsoon
edited by Geeti Sen
Ania Loomba
- Vox: Seven Stories edited by Jeet Thayil Ravi Shankar
- Defining a Scientific Temper: An Essay Shobhit Mahajan
- The Touch of Midas: Science, Values and Environment in Islam and
the West
edited by Ziauddin Sardar
Irfan Habib
- A Carnival of Science by Shiv Visvanathan Nikesh Sinha
RALPH BUULTJENS is former Nehru Professor at Cambridge University and teaches at New York University. He is the author of several books including Windows on India.
IRFAN HABIB is a scientist based at the National Institute of Science, Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS), New Delhi.
KANCHA ILAIAH is Reader in Political Science at the Central University, Hyderabad and the author of Why I Am Not A Hindu.
PARTHA SARATHI GUPTA is a distinguished historian who has recently edited the first volumes of the authoritative Towards Freedom, commissioned by the Indian Council of Historical Research.
PRATIK KANJILAL is senior assistant editor with The Indian Express.
HARISH KHARE is deputy bureau chief of The Hindu.
SALEEM KIDWAI is a historian based in Delhi and is working on a book on the life of Begum Akhtar.
PRIMILA LEWIS is a freelance editor and author. Her last book was Social Action and the Labouring Poor.
ANIA LOOMBA is Associate Professor at the Centre for Linguistics and English, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and the author of Gender, Race, Renaissance Drama.
SHOBHIT MAHAJAN is a cosmologist and astrophysicist who teaches at the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi.
D. R. NAGARAJ is the Director of the Centre for Translation at the National Akademi of Letters, Bangalore and the author of The Flaming Feet.
MAKARAND PARANJAPE is Associate Professor of Humanities & Social Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi and has recently edited Nativism: Essays in Criticism for the Sahitya Akademi.
RAVI SHANKAR is a well known cartoonist and a senior editor at India Today. He is also the author of Scream of Dragonflies, a collection of short Stories.

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