ARUP BANERJI teaches Russian and West
European History in the Department of History, Delhi University.
AMITA BAVISKAR teaches Sociology at Delhi
University. She is the author of In the Belly of the River: Tribal
Conflicts over Development in the Narmada Valley.
PRADIP BHATTACHARYA belongs to the Indian
Administrative Service and has written several books on the Mahabharata
and papers on comparative mythology.
NIRAJA GOPAL JAYAL teaches at the Centre
for Political Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University and is the author of
Democracy and the State: Welfare, Secularism and Development in
Contemporary India (Oxford University Press, 1999).
LAKSHMI KANNAN writes in English and
Tamil, using the pen name Kaaveri for her writing in Tamil. She writes
poetry, fiction and criticism and has also translated extensively from
Tamil to English.
SUCHETA MAHAJAN teaches History at the
Delhi College of Arts and Commerce and is the author of Independence
and Partition: The Erosion of Colonial Power in India (Sage,
DEBASHISH MUNSHI teaches Management
Communication at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
G.J.V. PRASAD discusses life and
literature at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Novelist, poet, and
critic, he has been published extensively in India and abroad. He also
translates from Tamil and received the Katha Award for translation along
with his wife, N. Kamala, in 1998.
H. Y SHARADA PRASAD worked in the Prime
Ministers Office as Information Adviser to Indira Gandhi and Rajiv
ANITA ROY is an editor and writer, and is
Head of Publishing at Dorling Kindersley India, New Delhi.
AMIT SENGUPTA is Assistant Editor at The Hindustan Times.
SHANKAR SHARAN has a Ph.D. in Soviet
Political History. He is currently a researcher at the Tibetan
Parliamentary and Policy Research Centre, New Delhi.
K. S. SUBRAMANIAN is a former IAS officer
and Director General of a Para-Statal Rural Development Training and
Research Institute in the Northeast.
MAJID H. SIDDIQI teaches History at
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
TAPATI GUHA-THAKURTA is an art-historian
and a Fellow in History at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences,
APARNA VAIDIK is a research scholar
working on the history of the Andaman Islands at the Centre for Historical
Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
UMA VASUDEV is a writer and filmmaker. She
has also written two biographies of Indira Gandhi.
PETER WATERMAN is author of
Globalisation, Social Movements and the New Internationalisms
(Cassell, London, 1998) and co-editor of Labour Worldwide in the Era of
Globalisation: Alternative Union Models in the New World Order
(Macmillan, London, 1999).
JOE WINTER is a translator and poet based
in Kolkata.