DILIP CHITRE writes poetry, fiction, essays in Marathi and English, translates Bhakti poetry, makes films and edits the journal New Quest
ELLA DATTA is a journalist and Senior Consultant Editor of The Telegraph. She has authored a book on artist Ganesh Pyne
YASHODHARA DALMIA is an art historian and an independent curator based in New Delhi. She is the author of The Making of Modem Indian Art: The Progressives (OUP,2001). At present she is working on a project on "Alternative Modernities"
GEETA DOCTOR is a freelance journalist who lives in Chennai. She is an art critic and literary reviewer who also writes on food and travel.
JEAN DREZE is Visting Professor at the G.B. Pant Social Science Institute, Allahabad. He has wide-ranging contributions to Development Economics with reference to India.
SHOHINI GHOSH teaches Video & TV Production at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
INDRAJIT HAZRA is the author of the novel The Burnt Forehead of Max Saul (Ravi Dayaal, 2000). He is Assistant Editor at Hindustan Times.
KRISHEN KHANNA is a painter who is also interested in Persian and English poetry, music and dance.
AMITAVA KUMAR teaches English at Penn-State University. He is the author of Passport Photos. His next book Bombay-London-New York, a literary memoir, will be published later this year.
BISHNU MOHAPATRA is Associate Professor at the Centre for Political Stutdies Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
BORIA MAJUMDAR is a D.Phil student in History working on the 'Social History of Cricket in India' at St. John's College, Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship
MEENAKSHI MUKHERJEE lives in Hyderabad. She has recently edited a volume published by Sahitya Akademi Early Novels in India (Delhi,2002).
T.K. OOMMEN is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
DILEEP PADGAONKAR is Executive Managing Editor of The Times of India.
IRA PANNDE is Editor at Dorling Kindersley, New Delhi
KALPISH RATNA is the pseudonym under which Ishrat Syed and Kalpana Swaminathan write together. They edited the Books Page of the Sunday Observer and work as surgeons in Mumbai.
NILANJANA S. ROY is a Delhi-based writer on the books and the arts.
SANJEEV SAITH is a photographer and publisher based in New Delhi.
RAJDEEP SARDESAI is a Political Editior, New Delhi Television(NDTV)
ARINDAM SEN is the Director of Indian Institute of Marxist Studies, Calcutta.
PAUL SHARRAD is Associate Professor in English Studies at the University of Wollongong, Australia, where he teaches Postcolonial Literatures. He has published on Indian writing in English and Pacific literature, and contributed the introductory essay to Skoob Books' publication of K. S. Maniam's novel In A Far Country.
SELLEY WALIA is Professor of English at the Panjab University, Chandigarh.