PROTEETI BANERJEE is a Delhi School of Economics alumni. She has previously worked with Sage Publications and currently holds a senior editorial
position in a leading publishing house. Her writings have been extensively published in, The National Review, and the ABP Group.
AMITA BAVISKAR is a sociologist who works on issues of environment and development. Her last book, co-edited with Raka Ray, was Elite and Everyman:
The Cultural Politics of the Indian Middle Classes (Routledge India, 2011).
BHISHAM BHERWANI'S anthology of poetry in English (including translations) from India was published by Atlanta Review (2012).
SUDEEP CHAKRAVARTI has authored several books, including the non-fiction works Red Sun: Travels in Naxalite Country (HarperCollins India, 2008) and
Highway 39: Journeys through a Fractured Land (HarperCollins India, 2012). He is also a widely published columnist and essayist, and editorial mentor.
UMA CHAKRAVARTI is a feminist historian who taught at Miranda House, Delhi University and is now an independent scholar based in Delhi.
SWAPAN DASGUPTA is a political commentator and columnist.
KANIKA DATTA is Senior Associate Editor with Business Standard.
SHASHI DESHPANDE is the author of eight novels, three crime novels, a number of short story collections, as well as a collection of essays. Her new novel
is to come out this year.
TANWEER FAZAL is Associate Professor at Jamia Millia Islamia. He was earlier a consultant with the Prime Minister's High Level Committee to study the
Socio- Economic and Educational Status of Muslims, also popularly called the Sachar Committee.
V. GEETHA is a feminist writer and translator, interested in caste, labour, history and education. Currently, she is Editorial Director, Tara Books, Chennai.
MALAVIKA KARLEKAR is Co-editor of Indian Journal of Gender Studies with an interest in archival photographs. Her Visual Histories ~ Photography in the
Popular Imagination (OUP) is just out.
TABISH KHAIR ’s most recent novels are The Thing About Thugs (2010) and How to Fight Islamist Terror from the Missionary Position (2012).
UMA MAHADEVAN-DASGUPTA is currently based in Mumbai where she is on a child care break from her work in the Indian Administrative Services.
PEGGY MOHAN was born in Trinidad, West Indies. After completing her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Michigan in 1978 she relocated to India,
where she has taught linguistics, mass communications and now teaches music at Vasant Valley School, New Delhi. She is the author of two works of fiction:
Jahajin, and The Youngest Suspect, both by HarperCollins India.
DEVALINA MOOKERJEE is a consultant in a variety of areas around the field of Communication.
ANUSUA MUKHERJEE studied English in Jadavpur University. She is currently Assistant Editor with The Telegraph, Calcutta.
SUDEEP PAUL is Assistant Editor with the Opinion Pages of The Indian Express, New Delhi.
DAISY ROCKWELL is a writer, translator, Hindi scholar and painter living in the US.
JENNY ROWENA teaches at Miranda House, University of Delhi.
ANSHUMANI RUDDRA is an author and game designer based in Bangalore. He predominantly writes speculative fiction.
HARLEEN SINGH is Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies at Brandeis University, USA.
MAYANK AUSTEN SOOFI is the author of four alternate guidebooks to Delhi. Once a hotel steward, he is best known for his website and blog The Delhi
Walla, in which he details Delhi’s lives and loves.
MANASI SUBRAMANIAM is a writer based in Chennai. She works in publishing and blogs at
RAEESA VAKIL is an advocate practicing in Delhi.
KUNAL VERMA is a writer and filmmaker who has done several projects for the Indian Armed Forces. His books include Ocean to Sky, The Long Road to
Siachen and The Northeast Trilogy. His films include The Standard Bearers (NDA), Making of a Warrior (IMA) and Aakash Yodha (IAF). He also directed and
shot the television series Project Tiger in the 1980s.