MANI SHANKAR AIYAR served as India's first Consul General in Karachi 1978-82. The posting sparked a life-long interest in Pakistan and India-Pakistan relations.
He has reviewed several books on the subject, besides his own 1994 publication, Pakistan Papers. He recently retired from the Rajya Sabha.
ULKA ANJARIA is Associate Professor of English at Brandeis University, USA.
SIDHARTH BHATIA is a Bombay-based journalist and founder editor of He writes on popular culture and politics and is the author of The Patels of
Filmindia: Pioneers of Indian Film Journalism (India Source Books, 2015).
SAYANDEB CHOWDHURY is Assistant Professor of English in the School of Liberal Studies, Ambedkar University, Delhi.
RICHARD J. COHEN is an Indologist, and teaches in the Department of Middle Eastern & South Asian Languages & Cultures at the University of Virginia.
SABEENA GADIHOKE is Associate Professor, Video and TV Production at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
She is also a filmmaker and cameraperson. Her book Chronicles of Homai Vyarawalla was published by Mapin Publishing in 2006.
SHOHINI GHOSH is Sajjad Zaheer Professor at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
SHARMISTHA GOOPTU is a film historian and an author.
TABISH KHAIR teaches English at Aarhus University, Denmark. His latest book is the study, The New Xenophobia (Oxford University Press, 2016).
DEB MUKHARJI is a former member of the Indian Foreign Service, who has served in the Indian High Commission in Islamabad (1968-1971). He was the Indian High
Commissioner to Dhaka (1995-2000) and was Convenor of the 2nd Indo- Bangladesh Track II Dialogue 2005-2007.
DEBASHREE MUKHERJEE teaches South Asian Film and Visual Culture in the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian and African Studies at
Columbia University.
SUKUMAR MURALIDHARAN is an independent writer and researcher currently on a fellowship with the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.
SOUVIK NAHA is a PhD student at the ETH Zurich. His thesis explores how cricket became a public culture in postcolonial India. He is also a book reviews editor of
the journal Soccer & Society.
LATIKA PADGAONKAR is a writer, editor, translator, film critic and film festival organiser. She was the Executive Editor of Cinamaya the Asian Film Quarterly and
Joint Director of Osian’s-Cinefan Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema.
JANICE PARIAT is the author of Boats on Land: A Collection of Short Stories (Random House India, 2012) and Seahorse: A Novel (Random House India, 2014).
She was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puruskar and Crossword Award for Fiction. She currently lives in New Delhi.
SEKHAR RAHA is a Trustee of the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and the Nehru Trust for Cambridge University. He is also on the Uttarakhand Government’s Executive
Board for Doon University and Doon Library & Research Centre.
ALOK RAI does not teach in Delhi University any more.
VIKRAMAJIT RAM is the author of Elephant Kingdom (2007), Dreaming Vishnus (2008), and Tso and La (2012). His fourth book is due later this year.
DEVIKA RANGACHARI is a post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of History, University of Delhi. She is also an award-winning children’s writer.
PARNI RAY lives and writes in Kolkata. She is an alumnus of the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
AVTAR SINGH is the managing editor of The Indian Quarterly. His novel Necropolis (4th Estate, 2014), will be published in the USA this summer by Akashic Books.
CHETAN RAJ SHRESTHA was trained as an architect. He has written two books of fiction: The Kings Harvest (Aleph, 2013) and the recently published novel The
Light of His Clan (Speaking Tiger). He lives and works in Sydney.
ARUNDHATHI SUBRAMANIAM is the author of ten books of poetry and prose. As poet, her most recent book is When God is a Traveller (HarperCollins, 2014),
and as editor, Eating God: A Book of Bhakti Poetry (Penguin, 2014).
SALIL TRIPATHI is the chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee. He is the author of Detours: Songs of the Open Road (Tranquebar 2016). Yale
University Press will publish his The Colonel Who Would Not Repent (Aleph, 2014) internationally in April 2016.
JAVED IQBAL WANI is a PhD candidate and visiting lecturer at the Department of History, Royal Halloway, University of London
CHRISTINA ZWARG first started teaching the Odyssey. in the Humanities Program at Reed College. She is an Associate Professor of English at Haverford College
and author of numerous articles on translation and trauma theory.