SHREYA ILA ANASUYA lives and writes in Delhi.
BHARTI ARORA is an Assistant Professor of English at Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi.
SUPRIYA CHAUDHURI is Professor Emerita, Department of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
SAMRAT CHOUDHURY edited daily newspapers in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru before leaving the daily news grind to devote himself to travelling and writing.
PRACHI DESHPANDE is Associate Professor of History at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. She is the author of Creative Pasts: Historical Memory
and Identity in Western India, 1700-1960.
BHASKAR GHOSE is a former civil servant, columnist and theatre person. He has written four books, two of them novels. He lives in Delhi.
SHOHINI GHOSH is Sajjad Zaheer Professor at the AJK Mass Communication Research Centre, Jamia Millia Islamia.
NEELUM SARAN GOUR is a well-known writer of fiction who has authored five novels, four volumes of short-stories and two works of non-fiction. She is Professor
of English Literature at the University Of Allahabad.
NIKHIL GOVIND is Associate Professor, and Head of the Manipal Centre of Philosophy and Humanities, Manipal University. His research interests centre on Indian
literature and thought.
MINI KAPOOR is Ideas Editor at The Hindu.
KIRAN KESHAVAMURTHY is Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta. His recent interests include caste, gender
and sexuality studies and modern Indian literatures. His recently published book is entitled Beyond Desire: Sexuality in Modern Tamil Literature (OUP India, 2016).
TABISH KHAIR is an author, poet and critic and Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Aarhus, Denmark. His published work in 2016
include a study, The New Xenophobia (Oxford University Press) and a novel, Just Another Jihadi Jane (Penguin/Periscope Books/Interlink).
TRIPTI LAHIRI is the Asia editor of Quartzand is currently based in Hongkong. In 2013, she was part of an award-winning Wall Street Journal team that reported indepth
on the law enforcement and judicial response to crimes against women in India.
BORIA MAJUMDAR is a sports historian and television commentator. He has co-authored Olympics: The India Story (HarperCollins, 2012) and Playing It My Way:
An Autobiography by Sachin Tendulkar (Hachette India, 2014). His latest book is The History of Indian Sport Through 100 Artefacts (Harper Sport, 2017).
DEEPANJANA PAL is an author and journalist. Her first novel, Hush A Bye Baby, is expected later this year.
FREYAN PATEL is a freelance writer and editor based in Mumbai. She writes on food, travel and music for a number of publications, as well as school-level English
grammar and literature textbooks.
AMRUTA PATIL is a writer and painter. She is the author of the graphic novels Kari (HarperCollins, 2009), Adi Parva: Churning of the Ocean (HarperCollins, 2013)
and Sauptik: Blood and Flowers (HarperCollins, 2016).
VIKRAMAJIT RAM is the author of three works of non-fiction and, most recently, a novel, The Sun and Two Seas (Speaking Tiger, 2016).
PARNI RAY is a writer and curator. She is currently a Charles Wallace fellow at the Royal College of Art, London.
AMRITA SEN is Associate Professor of Humanities at Heritage Institute of Technology and affiliated faculty at Heritage College, University of Calcutta. She has
published on East India Company women, Bollywood appropriations of Shakespeare and early modern ethnography
SONAL SHAH is a freelance writer based in Delhi. She has worked as an editor at The Caravan and editor-in-chief of Time Out Delhi, and her writing can be read at
MANISHA SETHI teaches at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She is the author of Kafkaland: Prejudice, Law and Counterterrorism in India.
HANSDA SOWVENDRA SHEKHAR is the author of a novel, The Mysterious Ailment Of Rupi Baskey, and a collection of short stories, The Adivasi Will Not Dance.