ALICE ALBINIA is a freelance writer and editor, and a post-graduate student at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
SUBHAKANTA BEHERA is Counsellor (Political and Cultural), Embassy of India, Washington D.C.
PRADIP BHATTACHARYA belongs to the Indian Administrative Service and has written several books on the Mahabharata and papers on comparative mythology.
RANABIR CHAKRAVARTI is Professor at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He specialises in Social and Economic History
of early India.
UMA MAHADEVAN-DASGUPTA is a civil servant based in Mumbai.
SATISH DESHPANDE is a sociologist at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi.
KANAK MANI DIXIT is editor of Himal, the South Asian magazine, and part-time writer of children’s stories.
PAPIYA GHOSH teaches at the Department of History, Patna University.
KARISHMA HUSSAIN currently works as copy editor for the theatre journal Prithvi Notes and has published poems in The Little Magazine and assorted articles in
MALAVIKA KARLEKAR is Editor of the Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Centre for Women’s Development Studies and has worked on photographic representations
of Indian women.
KALPANA KANNABIRAN teaches at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad and is also associated with ASMITA Resource Centre for Women,
VATSALA KAUL is a freelance writer and journalist.
TABISH KHAIR is the author of Where Parallel Lines Meet and Babu Fictions.
NANDINI LAL is a columnist and critic who has worked in journalism, advertising and publishing.
SUROOPA MUKHERJEE is Reader at the Department of English, Hindu College. She is the author of Bhopal Gas Tragedy: A Book for Young People. She writes fiction
and non-fiction for children and adults.
VIJAY NAMBISAN is a journalist, poet and author of Bihar is in the Eyes of the Beholder (Penguin, 2000).
AVIJIT PATHAK is Associate Professor at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
ELA PIYA is an educator at Rato Bangala School, Kathmandu, Nepal.
KALPISH RATNA is the psuedonym under which Ishrat Syed and Kalpana Swaminathan write together. They edited the Books Page of The Sunday Observer and work
as surgeons in Mumbai.
NILANJANA S. ROY writes on books and the arts, based in Delhi.
KAMALA SANKARAN is aReader at the Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.
NAVTEJ SARNA is currently the Official Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry. He has written short stories for the London Magazine and BBC. He is a regular
contributer to the Times Literary Supplement. His first novel We Were Not Lovers Like That is under publication with Penguin India.
MAHUA SARKAR is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Binghampton University, SUNY, New York.
MAJID H. SIDDIQI teaches History at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
PETER VAN DER VEER is Professor of Comparative Religion at the University of Amsterdam. His latest book is Imperial Encounters (Permanent Black,
SUDEEP SEN’s Postmarked India: New & Selected Poems (HarperCollins) was awarded the Hawthornden Fellowship (UK) and nominated for a Pushcart Prize (USA).
He is an editor for Journal of Commonwealth Literature and Six Seasons Review.
JOE WINTER has translated Tagore’s Gitanjali (Writers Workshop, Kolkata and Anvil Press, London) and Lipika (Macmillan India).