Section-wise Reference
About Home:
Click on the Biblio Logo or the Home button on the navigation bar
to go to the home page.(The index page of the latest issue).
About Past issues:
The Archives and the Past Content are the two buttons that deal with the past issues. Click on the Archives button and you would see the thumbnail images of the magazine cover for the respective issue. Click on that and you would go to the index page for that issue.
However the Past Content deals with the Table of Contents of the past issues.
Each issue is year wise categorised and when you click on the monthly period you would be taken to the table of contents page for that issue.
About Subscription:
As already stated on the page this is not an online subscription form. In order to subscribe you need to either print this page using the Print icon given on this page or else download the form in PDF format using the PDF icon given on this page. If you wish to subscribe fill the form and mail it to the given address. Please do not forget to tick the appropriate option.
In order to view the pdf file you would need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The same can be obtained through the link given below.
About Search:
There are two kinds of search available for this site:
1. Issue wise Search.
2. Advanced Search.
The output of the search made will always contain a column called Article Title,
When you would move your mouse pointer over it the same would get underlined and change its color to red. Click on it to go to the article that matches your criteria.
Any the other information for that row is not clickable.
Issue wise search looks like this.

In this kind of Search you need to enter a phrase or few letters and then select the search criteria that could be any of these Author/Editor, Book Title , Reviewer, Subject.
As in whatever you would enter would be searched in either of the options selected.
Search is performed only in the current issue that you are seeing.
To Search in other issues you would have to go to the Archives Section and then click on the
appropriate thumbnail image to go the index page of the same and do the search.
Advanced Search looks like this.

If you want to search for all the articles reviewed by a reviewer then just select
that reviewer from the list and click on go.
If you know the book title then enter it and search with this combination i.e
Reviewer + Book Title
Similarly, If you want to search for all the books written by an author then just select that author and click on go to get the desired result.
You could apply any combination from the following and do the search.
Book Title,Author Name and Reviewer Name.
Please note in Issue Wise Search or Advanced Search the Search expression entered by you
is very critical in terms of the records returned. Leading or trailing spaces will not effect
the search , however the series of letter or numbers is searched in the criteria specified by you in such a way that these characters could occur anywhere in the selected criteria.
For Example:
If you search for characters 'ind' within the criteria 'Book Title'
About Feedback:
You need do fill in the form and Click on send feedback only once.
Your email address and name will not be given out to anyone else! If you prefer using good old fashion email instead of a feedback form, you can email at or else write back to:
Biblio, D6/34, Vasant Vihar, IInd Floor, New Delhi 110 057
About Publishers:
Click on the bold faced text of the publishers' name to go to their web site
and click on the email address to invoke the default email client of your machine if you wish to write to the publisher.
About Next Issue:
Next issue is the forth coming issue of Biblio
It may contain the non clickable table of contents or some information about the forth comming issue.